Saturday, January 30, 2021

Contact Us Customer Service & Repair Service Centre: Philips Domestic Appliances

The company is duly registered at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata (RoC-Kolkata) and is classified as the Non-govt company. Philips Home Care Services India Private Limited was an unlisted private company incorporated on 25 May, 2016. It is classified as a private limited company and is located in , West Bengal. It's authorized share capital was INR 31.55 cr and the total paid-up capital was INR 31.55 cr. Philips Home Care Services India Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 25 May 2016. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata.

The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 31.85 cr. The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 31.81 cr. The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 31.65 cr. The last reported AGM of Philips Home Care Services India Private Limited, per our records, was held on 26 September, 2019. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2019. It said further tests now showed machines cleaned with those products were 14 times more likely to have significant visible foam degradation than those treated with authorised products.

Philips says tests on recalled products show limited health risks

In total, the company is connected to 4 other companies through its directors. The following people were the last known directors of the company. Tofler has no financial reports to provide on this company due to unavailability of financial information. The US Food and Drug Administration is still considering the results and "may reach different conclusions", Philips said. The company said it expected to finish the recall and replacement of all affected products in the first half of 2023, as it has now produced 90 per cent of all needed replacement devices.

philips home care india

The products and services offered by PHILIPS INDIA LIMITED are various categories, including advanced molecular nuclear imaging, clinical informatics, computed tomography etc. The company develops in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring, and health informatics products. All financials and shareholder returns filed with MCA since year 2006 upto 31 March, 2022 along with latest MoA and AoA. We offer innovative products across kitchen appliances, coffee, air, home care, and clothing.

Most Read in Medical Devices

Philips Home Care Services India Privatelimited is a mca provider company with the industrial and NIC / SIC code of as per the official records. The company was registered in the year 2016 and its authorized share capital is INR 500,000 and paid up capital is INR 500,000. The company's business is based in the city of Kolkata.

Mixer grinder, coffee maker, and garment steamer are some of the major examples. It is this heritage and proven track record in delivering what customers want, fromkitchen electronics to home care, that has led to us being the most valuable brand in the world across all small domestic appliance brands. The company Philips Home Care Services India Privatelimited is registered with RoC-Kolkata and its primary location is Kolkata in the country India.


Philips Home Care Services India Privatelimited is based out of Kolkata in the country India. We will update the website after verifying the website address. Click here to see other companies involved in same activity. For business and industry related insights, twice in a month.

Check our best services here on the services section. Philips India Limited has five directors - Susim Mukul Datta, Geetu Gidwani Verma, and others. We are committed to providing the highest levels of consumer satisfaction, underpinned by our quality approach. We make conscious choices caring for people's homes and our planet. We grow Philips Domestic Appliances responsibly and sustainably. Electric tea kettle, toaster, and induction cooktop are some of the finest eco-friendly appliances manufactured by Philips.

You could, however, see its basic information and its directors by scrolling down. One, the company is not active and operating under this name . This could be because it was closed, merged, struck off or is in the process of closing.

philips home care india

For the latest news, insider access to events and more. I have read Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions and agree to receive newsletters and other communications on this email ID. Philips Homecare acknowledges the peoples of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia, respecting their continuing connection to land, culture and community. We pay our respects to elders past, present and future. Check our latest news and updates from this section.

Its authorized share capital is Rs. 315,500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 315,500,000. A Company report by Tofler is an easy-to-read PDF report that includes company's financial information, ratio analysis, management, group structure, shareholding pattern and more. Such reports can be bought from company pages at Tofler or can be downloaded from Company360. Here is the video showing how a report downloaded from Company360 looks like. The company said results also showed that exposure to volatile organic compound emissions was not expected to result in long-term health consequences for patients.

Philips had already said earlier this year that tests indicated foam degradation was very rare and was linked to the use of unauthorised ozone-based cleaning products. Tofler Company360 provides access to any Indian company's financial documents, charts, ratio analysis and more. It lets you compare financials of several companies and study performance trends. These financials can also be downloaded in excel format. Here is the video showing how you can study the financials of an Indian company on the Company360 platform.

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